C. I'm now at 88% on the side missions and I can't find anymore of them. Miscellaneous 0. 2. 5 secret side missions Secret Boss Yannick the Beard in an underground area of Constitution Hall (close to the control point in the South). You can sta. There are 5 secret side missions if you Google it. G. Most players seem to have overlooked this, but if you take a look at the Phoenix edition of The Division 2's map, there's 5 hidden side missions that it indicates. So I finished the last of the secret side mission in D. For the Wraith Mask, head to the Southwest region of the map, and in the south-east corner is the Interstate 395 BN road. . Look for Suite 3 closer to the end, after you pass the location that dumb broad Kelso blew up. The Division 2 | Side Mission Locations | How to Find Blueprints | How to Find Hidden Side Missions - YouTube 0:00 / 5:27 The Division 2 | Side Mission Locations | How. Buy Division 2 here: today's video I will guide you how to find the 5 secret/hidden side mission that give. Players in The Division 2 are stumped by a secret bunker with ties to Britain and the CIA. Besides the option to find lots of “Easter Eggs” that take place around the vast open world that this game has to offer, there are more things for you to discover. I'm clearly not ready for it yet, and there does not appear to be any other main missions on the map. C. What makes this Division 2 Side. This is a list of all 40 side missions (in order how they are shown in the side missions list): The Endless Struggle. I’ve finished 34/40 and idk which are left. Side Missions in The Division 2. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video!WATCH ME LIVE ON TWITCH! "SCHOOL OF SKILLZ". Main Missions Not Appearing on Map? kant69 4 years ago #1. Missing Scavengers. Dragov Mission Secret Room & Key Location in Division 2. Nelson Theatre Hostages. 1. If anyone has any advice or a list of the side missions. Did that mission and still at 97%. . Division 2 players may be eager to enter the Tidal Basin Stronghold, but doing so requires completing the short Gatehouse Facility Priority Mission. Missing Curators3. If the group leader has finished the side missions they wont show up until you log out and log back in to your own map. This list will show you all available side missions, where to start them, and the rewards available. Side Missions stuck at 39/40. " 11. Collectible #2. Two secret missions, called "Navy Hill Transmission" and "The G. The Pentagon and Darpa lab. My "The Division 2" Playlist: you reach the end of The Division 2, the map changes and you have to reclaim everything back. C. They are miniature missions that contain additional audio logs and clues as to how Washington, D. Welcome to The Division 2 Navy Hill Transmission Secret Side Mission Gameplay. 3. First, you have random graffiti that lay around different buildings across the United States Capitol. Just search "The Divison 2 side missions" on any search engine and you will find what you are looking for. Judiciary Square Metro Station. Castle Clinton. The missions are: Garage Stash. Dark Zone South Recon. it pops up and when you interact with it it shows you "inputting the. There's also a secret room in the hotel mission that requires a key. In the beginning of the video I. But, that's not entirely true. . The first part of acquiring secret weapon attachments is to unlock World Tier 4 because these are only rewards for World Tier 4 and 5 zones. Collectible #1. Climb the ladder on the red brick wall. You can find weapon mod Blueprints by playing Side Missions and Projects, and then construct them at the craft. Y. Find comms, SHD tech, Hunters, Keychains, weapons & more! Use the progress tracker to find everything!. Agent Edwards Support is a side mission in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. For those stuck at 97% side mission. 8 comments Best AbrielNei • 2 yr. Just a quick one showing you the locations of all the hidden side missions as well as the weapon mods they reward. PhatPhingerz • 4 yr. The Division 2 has lots of Side Missions and not all are triggered by NPCs. Enter the American Food Store. I never received a map marker for this mission and when I went to the area for it. Doyers Street (Civic Center). These will consist of 4 rogue lieutenants and one "Prime Target. The Division 2 Missing Curators secret mission has. I've just completed the Jefferson Plaza main mission and opened the East DZ area. You can pick up the key from a corpse half-sitting in a doorway in the fist or the second room (i think it's the kitchen or thereabouts). Compared to the start of the game, the Division 2 map acts. Gear mods themselves - just about anywhere and anytime you kill and enemy that drops gear. Read this Tom Clancy's Division 2 guide and walkthrough list to see all available side missions in the game. Missing Curators. Unfortunately, this is a bit tough, since the. Why? Because in The Division 2, these side missions are actually scaled to your level. The Division 2 Hidden Side Missions: Solving the Mysteries. There are five missable, ‘secret’ side missions that are only. All of these Weapon Attachments can have Attachment mods which increase and decrease certain stats of your weapon. Every Secret in The Division 2 - DC Edition | Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBEJoin our Community: The Bot Patrol: are only a few Side Missions for players to complete in New York City currently. Best. 🚩 Help us reach 20,000k 🔥Subs by showing your support and smashing. That’s all the Story Missions and Side Missions in The Division 2 expansion Warlords of New York. Missing Wire Scavengers. The side missions it just to unlock the other 2 main missions/safehouse. Main article: Manhunt In order to take down the Prime Target, the. Some missions appear after you enter a certain area, reach a specific Level or unlock specific settlements. Missin. I'm at the same % and just finished the last stronghold. Fast travel to the Foggy Bottom Truman safe house, leave through the North Exit, then head west and follow the chainlink fence through the. Find a player (matchmaking maybe) who didn't finish that side mission. Show more Tom Clancy's The Division 2 2019 Browse game Gaming. A side quest opened up after that from the 'Drone Controller' in the intel room in the white house (with 5 SHD tech reward). . So I started playing The Division 2 about 2 or 3 weeks ago. ago. This is triggering my video game OCD. Palanova • 4 yr. fell before the events of The Division 2. This led on to another side mission with another 5 SHD tech reward. What am I missing? Is my game bugged or something? Maybe its a secret side mission. This quest is about finding some people who went finding for art but got trapped by the True Sons. Head to the Driveway in Judiciary Square. Do you have the restore water mission finished (the one where you have to operate the valves in order to restore the water)? If not it's that mission that bugged out. Enjoy. New York Federal Reserve (Financial District). , fight against the enemy factions, and at the same time, be rewarded with a generous amount of XP and Gear for. I'm currently level 13, and the next main mission on my main map is level 24. All side missions completed and stuck at 97%. Check White House. The easiest way to reach Olivia Vance and start the secret. Most likely a way to shoot a lock from somewhere else that's visible inside the door, or one of those yellow panels somewhere, if there's a yellow cable, follow it seems to be the rule of thumb. ago. I have recovered all the ones that are on the map so theses would need to come from missions. Add a Comment. Doyers Street. Phillips Protocol mission. Missions are scripted, instanced activities in Tom Clancy's The Division 2 and is required to be completed in order for the Player to progress through the main story. As soon as we know more about Division 2 Expeditions including the release date for the first one, this guide will be updated with new information. . Note: This list is still for improvement so I apologize to. The Division 2 will repurpose legacy content, allowing Manhunt targets to helm missions from the D. C. But when it comes to The Division 2, a good strategy is to save these side missions for later. The sixth Exotic available in The Division 2 right now is Merciless, an Assault Rifle. Manhunt. Manhunts are events where the player must track down completing activities and kill 5 rogue agents. Garage Stash is required if you wish to achieve 100% completion of the game’s side-missions; therefore it is imperative to complete it. . First, fast travel to The 1040 Safe House. On paper, they basically sound like replaying the main missions at a higher difficultly level. Not hidden ones. Reply. . Missing Side Missions I need some help. . There's also these hidden side missions:It’s been a while since I’ve done that mission. National Bond Armory. THE DIVISION 2Location of 5 secret side missions (aka hidden side missions) and their quest givers:0:08 Missing Curators1:14 Missing Wire Scavengers2:16 Miss. Interactive Map of all locations in The Division 2. Without completing those last five, you’ll be stuck at around 85% completion. Got another guid for you, this time i'm going to show you Where To Find ALL 5 Secret Side Missions in The Division 2. Posting it here cuz it's better than letting it collect dust unseen. You can also get mods from Invaded Missions and Weekly challenges. Enjoy!Captain16's channel: to start Missing Wire Scavengers Division 2 Side Mission video. This list will show you all available. Would also like to add that my projects are stuck at 67% and I am 10 SHD cache short. Navy Hill Transmission (this is the one everyone knows about) So if you can't 100% your side missions, or have them in your list at 0m from joining another person's game, go to these locations and that'll fix you. Named Enemy 0. In order to hunt him down, you’ll have to enter his stronghold at the New York Federal Exchange and dispatch his minions first. Take the door labeled South East exit, and walk until you reach outside. Eventually you’ll reach a driveway on the right, opposite Brasserie Steakhouse on the left. West Potomac Park is one of the zones that is found in Washington, D. The cache is when you finish the mission, don't go down the rope, turn right, right and ther is the cache next to some loot crate. 4. It requires eight of them to open in total, and we do know what's inside the locked box but we'll leave that till the. These are all the currently available Classified Assignments in The Division 2. Done all NEW YORK, done all Island missions, beat the summit. Well, The Division 2 endgame Invaded missions work in a similar way. Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Garage Stash is one of the five Secret Side Missions featured in the video game published by Ubisoft for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The side missions should be counted as completed and any blueprints awarded should be available to the boosted character. Rappel up the rope hanging from the ceiling in the back of the room. 6. Blue prints from side missions and level 3+ control points. Division 2 exotic assault rifle: Merciless. agent edwards support. ago. The Ivory Keys are used to unlock the box in the White House pictured above. . Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is an online act. There’s some hidden side missions, you have to speak to an npc to obtain, you can google their locations. This category denotes all side missions in Tom Clancy's The Division 2 and side missions in Warlords of New York . I have been stuck at 37/40 side quest. ago Yup I got it now thanks man ! Temayville Xbox • 2 yr. Plus, completing the side mission earns you the Retro Field Uniform Outfit. How to get the Wraith Mask. Players need to learn a four-part code throughout the assignment that they'll have to input in the Security Room at the end of the level. In the beginning of the vide. It's called Key to Suite 3. and is arguably the largest zone in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Dragov is one of the rogue agents in The Division 2: Warlords of New York. You may be on some one else’s map if you’ve recently joined a group. New York Federal Reserve. 7. Until then, stay safe out there, Agent. While the main story will give you some nice items, given how optional clothing is to the experience, they’re often. Is there a secret place i am bound to go and press a button? Is there a secret mission giver? For ur attention, Thanks!The side mission section on the progression screen lists me as being at 97% (37/40), but I can't seem to find what I'm missing (I've done all 5 of the hidden/secret side missions). Go to the memorial with the flag, then shoot. Dark. Ive currently done all the main story mission up to the Strongholds. There's an interact keypad . ago Some are hidden, you have to find the mission givers. Missing Curators is a secret mission in The Division 2 and it’s pretty hard to find the quest giver.